Monday, February 23, 2009


really no meaning
sloppy scraps strewn on the floor
i broke the plate


Scrawled on a shred of purple paper with no intentions, not quite haiku and not quite important, but of some significance nonetheless. Reaching across a void sometimes proves fruitful.

In any case, I'm sick. Nose, throat, this is horrible.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009






Intricate vitality. I am a wor[l]dslayer, come for your clocks and your home items, any strainers you previously thought detestable I find delectable. Send two by two by four times none boxes of junk and fishing rods and I'll give you a fist of coins to do your laundry.

Meager wages aren't really something to be taken for granted when living on cardboard.

Monday, February 16, 2009

tic toc toc

toc toc tic

I am procrastinating existentialism for the time being; however I would like to know why my dad insists on keeping cheeses and puddings which have long since expired (the goat cheese is a brick). Might I also add that with the amount he spends "fixing" the house (not to mention heating bills), he may as well buy a new one. I wouldn't mind living in an apartment if it had a working shower.


... - - - ...

I need a place to crash, yo.

... - - - ...

I want to move away. I don't want Are to leave. I want want want want want don't want want don't want want want want

Pretty sure I said I was procrastinating existentialism. Bye!