Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Not really emo, but not really happy either. Horribly obvious lack of interest in people which permeates my horrible speech like some horrible bile from my horrible throat. I don't like living in the Bronze Age even though the future promises only cataclysms foreseen by labradors, but going back to the shores from which we springsprungsprang is just as ridiculous. What am I saying, I don't care anymore.




I keep getting these weird chest pains out of nowhere. Are dared me to eat a whole thing of wasabi the last night she was here, no big deal, I've done it before, but something was wrong with this particular glob and I got some really bad stomach/chest pains, couldn't move very well for about half an hour because of how much it hurt. I don't think this is in any way related to that, but the pains are similar, left half of my chest just red hot hurt. I don't know, maybe I'm just being melodramatic. It's really just annoying, nothing else.

I hate my dad and hope he dies soon. I really, really do. I can move out in a year so wtf,r. Fucking school.

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